Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve


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Best Weight Loss Operation: Gastric Sleeve.

At Clineu Aesthetic, we understand that the decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery is a significant step towards transforming your life. Gastric Sleeve, also known as bariatric or metabolic surgery is a powerful tool and best weight loss operation for achieving long-term weight loss and improving your overall health. It is an option for treatment and has a high success rate in helping overweight people lose weight rapidly. It is also ideal for people who are extremely obese and have tried every diet and exercise as well as medication therapy, without success. The gastric sleeve can also help with losing weight and improving other medical issues related to obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain every aspect of gastric sleeve surgery, from eligibility criteria to the recovery process, and provide you with valuable insights to make an informed decision.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a minimally invasive procedure designed to reduce the capacity of your stomach by approximately 75%. This reduction in stomach size limits the amount of food you can consume, leading to weight loss. Unlike some other weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass, the gastric sleeve surgery does not involve rerouting the digestive system. This makes it a popular choice among individuals seeking a less complex surgical option.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss operation comes in a variety of forms. Each type of bariatric surgery has its benefits and drawbacks. A surgeon will recommend the best surgical option based on your health and needs. Common forms of weight loss surgeries are gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, balloon operation, and gastric banding operation.

Weight Loss Surgeries

In a gastric bypass procedure, the surgeon creates a small pouch that bypasses the majority of your stomach and connects directly to the intestine. It works by limiting the food amount you can eat and reducing nutrient absorption. This procedure is usually irreversible and more complex than the gastric sleeve.

Gastric banding is a simple bariatric procedure. However, compared to the other surgeries, there is a smaller weight loss. Furthermore, people who have had gastric banding are more prone to gaining weight again.

In Intragastric balloon implantation, the surgeon places a silicone balloon in the stomach to help weight loss by restricting the amount of food you can eat. This may be a suitable solution for you if your body mass index is below 40 and you’ve never undergone stomach surgery before.

One of the most recent procedures is gastric sleeve surgery, which has become the most popular weight loss surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy operation is laparoscopic surgery and is carried out under general anaesthesia. During this surgery, around 80% of the stomach is excised. The remaining portions are put together to form a new “sleeve” stomach. You will feel full a lot faster than you did previously because your stomach is about a tenth of its original size. In addition, the procedure eliminates the part of your stomach that produces a hormone that increases your appetite. As a result, in most cases, patients lose approximately 20% of their whole-body weight after gastric sleeve surgery.

Who is The Suitable Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Before considering gastric sleeve surgery, you need to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria. These criteria are in place to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. While specific requirements may vary between medical providers, they generally include:

Body Mass Index (BMI)

If your body mass index (BMI) is calculated at 40 or greater, you are a candidate for gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. However, in some cases, adults with lower BMIs may be able to undergo weight loss surgery, depending on the kind or severity of an obesity-related condition.

Commitment to Lifestyle Changes

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a quick fix; it’s a tool to help you achieve sustainable weight loss. To be eligible, you must demonstrate a commitment to making significant lifestyle changes, including adopting a healthier diet and incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Operation

All procedures entail some risk. However, gastric sleeve surgery is less risky and the best weight loss operation since it does not interfere with the digestive system. In the sleeve gastrectomy operation, the time spent under anaesthesia is reduced, and recovery is quicker. So it is a good technique for surgical patients with a high risk of complications. It is a good choice for patients whose weight is more than 450 – 500 pounds because excess fat limits the available space inside the abdomen making operation difficult for surgeons.

For a patient with severe depression or anxiety use medicines. A gastric sleeve surgery that does not affect the medication’s absorption and effectiveness is a better choice.

If you follow your surgeon’s diet and exercise recommendations, you’ll be more likely to lose at least half of your excess weight within 18 to 24 months after gastric sleeve surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Operation Overview

Duration of Procedure 1 Hour
Hospitalization Duration 2 Nights
Mobility 7 Days
Return to Activities Nutritional Program
Complete Recovery 3-6 Months
Anticipated Results 6-12 Months

How Much Does Gastric Sleeve Cost?

The cost of a Gastric Sleeve at Clineu Aesthetic varies based on individual needs and complexity. We offer competitive pricing and flexible financing options. A detailed quote will be provided during your personalized consultation.

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