Facelift Operation

Facelift Operation


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Years of Experience



Achieve a youthful, radiant look under the expertise of Clineu Aesthetic!

As we age, the visible changes are manifested on a number of levels: skin may become more lax and inelastic, jowls become deeper and more pronounced, the neck slackens, and the youthful volume from the upper cheek region and mid-face decreases. Restoring youthful beauty with our Facelift takes all of these elements into consideration. The best approach is always one that reestablishes facial harmony and a refreshed appearance.

A facelift is one of the cornerstones of facial rejuvenation, and is applicable in circumstances where deeper tissue repositioning, particularly of the jowls and neck, are required.

There has been a paradigm shift in facial plastic surgery and facial rejuvenation, and facelift surgery today is quite different than years past; "tight" or "pulled" have been definitively replaced by soft, gentle, delicate, youthful and natural. There are myriad techniques available to rejuvenate the face, and determining the best facial rejuvenation methods must be carefully choreographed to achieve your unique goals and desires.

In youth, our faces are fuller in the cheekbone region, and narrower at the chin and jaw, much like a "heart" shape.

As we age, the upper face narrows with volume loss, and the lower face spreads, with jowls and jaw becoming more prominent, with the face assuming a more "trapezoidal" shape. The best facial rejuvenation approaches do not seek to "pull" this aging relationship back to baseline, rather, it is the gentle repositioning of the descending, wider elements (jowls and lower cheek) to more youthful positions, and repositioning and replacing lost volume to the upper cheek region to reestablish a more beautiful and natural contour.

What cosmetic issues does a Facelift address?

Loose jowls
Sagging facial skin
Poor chin and jawline definition
Slackness in the upper neck region
Laxity, wrinkles, and fine lines on the lower two-thirds of the face

A facelift is part of a concert of techniques used to refresh and rejuvenate the face. The best Facelift is never tight; it is meant to restore the position of neck, jowl, and cheek, and replace volume from whence it was lost. The ultimate goal is the restoration of youthful facial balance and harmony.

What Is The Facelift Procedure?

Facelift surgery duration is approximately three to four hours. Anesthesia is either deep sedation (twilight) or general, and is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Depending on the surgical technique, Our doctor may tighten the skin, connective tissue, or underlying facial muscle. After manipulating the tissues, he will close the incision and place drains to reduce fluid buildup at the wound site. He will also apply a bandage to the incision.

Facelift Operation Overview

Duration of Procedure 4 Hours
Hospitalization Duration 1 Night
Mobility 7 Days
Return to Activities 7 Days
Complete Recovery 3-6 Months
Anticipated Results 6-12 Months

How Much Does Facelift Operation Cost?

The cost of a Facelift Operation at Clineu Aesthetic is determined by a myriad of factors, including individual needs, the complexity of the procedure, and the specific techniques chosen. We pride ourselves on offering competitive rates and flexible financing options, ensuring that the transformative experience is within reach for many. A detailed quote reflecting your custom treatment plan will be provided during your personalized consultation.

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Facelift Frequently Asked Questions