Forehead Lift

Forehead Lift


Happy customers with beautiful hair


Procedure performed




Years of Experience

Forehead Lift

Forehead Lift

Find soft, youthful fullness again by replenishing areas that have lost volume over time!

Aging foreheads and eyebrows can have a dramatic impact on our facial expressions. When patients with sagging brows and creases in their foreheads come to Clineu Aesthetic’s, they often tell us they feel like they not only look older, but also appear tired, worried and sometimes even angry.

The goal of a forehead and brow lift, also known as a browplasty or forehead rejuvenation) is to elevate the brow and restore a more youthful and long-lasting contour of the face. Our team of highly trained cosmetic surgeons focuses on creating a more natural, positive, and inviting facial expression.

What is a Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is also commonly referred to by plastic surgeons as a brow lift, since both the brow and forehead experience benefits from the procedure. This is a surgical procedure that can physically remove excess skin and adjust the underlying muscles of the brow and/or forehead. A brow lift surgery is often combined with complementary procedures like a facelift or blepharoplasty.

Often, patients don’t realize how much their heavy or drooping brows affect others’ perception of their mood until they see their outstanding results from a brow lift. If others ask you, “What’s wrong?” even when you feel happy and energetic, you may be a great candidate for this procedure. As with all cosmetic procedures, good health and reasonable expectations of the outcome are also important.

Booking a consultation at Clineu Aesthetic is a seamless process. Whether you connect via our website or call our clinic, our friendly team is ready to assist you in scheduling an appointment with our expert surgeons.

Forehead Lift Operation Overview

Duration of Procedure 3 Hours
Hospitalization Duration 1 Night
Mobility 7 Days
Return to Activities 3 Days
Complete Recovery 2 Months
Anticipated Results -

How Much Does Forehead Lift Cost?

The cost of a Forehead Lift at Clineu Aesthetic varies depending on individual needs and the techniques used. We offer competitive pricing and flexible financing options to make this life-changing procedure more accessible. A detailed quote will be provided during your personalized consultation, reflecting the customized treatment plan designed just for you.

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Forehead Lift Cost

Forehead Lift Frequently Asked Questions